Significance of saffron color in Indian saints


The Scientific reason behind Indian saints wearing Saffron

Saffron is a mixture of Red and Yellow. Color red imparts its energy and yellow imparts its happiness to happiness to saffron color. Saffron represents energy, enthusiasm, determination, success, brightness, encouragement and Happiness.

Saffron is touted as nothing more than a religious color that holds mythological significance. Basically two reasons are lying behind it:-

1. The color of sunrise and sunset
2. The color of fire

The sun and the fire are two
significant elements that holds enormous powers.

The Seven Chakras: The seven primal colors are associated to seven chakras of our body. these are Red, Saffron, Yellow, Green , Blue, Indigo and Violet. Every color has different wavelengths and has different impacts on our minds. When we look at them or concentrate on them

Time is witness that all the things mentioned and done in Hinduism are all scientific. It is well known to us that the sun nourishes everybody with Vitamin D, which is essential for human life and spirit. The fire has protecting us from the ancient times and drives our life at present time.

Hindu sages said and wrote what they experienced?

We see and experience Saffron color when we reach Samadhi. When our energy from Muladhar (the root chakra) to Shashra Chakra ( the crown chakra) and awaken the entire Kundalini , what we see and experience is Saffron color. It is this experience that made the sage who achieved enlightenment, introduce and use saffron color in daily life and further to Hinduism. Saffron color is now essential part of Hinduism.

It is written and has been proven that wearing saffron has several benefits to our body. saffron increase the Oxygen supply to the brain and stimulate the mental activity and hence improves it.
Saffron color being the color of Citrus fruits, symbolizes healthy food and stimulates appetite along with digestion. In heraldry, saffron symbolizes strength and endurance.


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